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Tech Thursday
It is impossible to create a totally safe online account.  However, by following a few simple rules when creating passwords for your accounts, you can greatly lessen the chance that someone will hack into your private accounts. 
  • Use at least six characters.  The more, the better.
  • Use at least one uppercase letter.
  • Use at least one lowercase letter.
  • Use at least one number. 
  • Use at least one symbol: !@$%&*_ (others may be used but some symbols could cause issues with other programs)
  • Spaces cause problems so don't use them.  
  • Avoid repeating characters like 1234, 9876, abcd, zyxw, etc.
  • Consider using a phrase as a password.  Create a password something like ICanCr8SecureP@ssW@rds!  (I can create secure passwords!)
  • Use different passwords for each device or account that you own.